Thursday, 29 May 2014

A Blooming Donation


In the past eight months I mostly have been staying in „Heritage of Faith and Hope“.
I managed to share my room with 14 people from various countries and different age-groups.

If I learned one thing then it is to "say good-bye".

Every time a new volunteer arrives I'm responsible for the introduction, comfort and communication between administration and new-comers. The directors started joking around describing me as "part of the furniture". >.<

The children shared with me their life and love, accepted me as one of their sisters.

My former school grade (class of 2013) decided to make a generous donation to “Heritage of Faith and Hope” and another home in Ngong called “Mama Tunza Children’s Centre”.

This money, which we had earned in our final years, should be assured to fulfill a social purpose.
Therefore most of the money was used for paying school fees. Especially “Mama Tunza Children’s Home” had been facing challenges according to educational money:  Recently seven highschool pupils were suspended from school due to the lack of school fees.
The charity money facilitated to solve the problem temporary so the pupils have the opportunity to continue schooling!
To support the children in gaining good education, us graduates set a symbolical and practical example for the children,

“Heritage”, which received the major part of the money, was able to realize a project with a particular importance to me.

Since the orphans and vulnerable children barely get fruits in the home, it’s impossible to maintain a constant supply of vitamins and a balanced diet. O
ften the kids complain about stomach aches and get sick very quickly.

Finally “Heritage” was now able to plant fruit trees all over the compound!
They engaged an agronomist & an agriculturist, bought a lorry of red soil and two pick-ups of dung. 

Now there have been over 30 pawpaw trees planted. 

Orange-, Mangoe- and Avocadotrees will follow soon!

Not only that! The money was enough to start a small tree nursery named after myself:  “Imani Tree Nursery”! 

For neighbors are now seed(ling)s available. 
All in all over 5000 seedlings of all kinds of bushes and trees!
Isn’t that awesome?

Just the way my heart did, this projects really bloomed and flourished!

Especially the fruit trees make me proud. It gave me the chance to make an impact, to leave a footstep. Not just as Imani Reiser, but also representing my whole Highschool.

A big thank you to the class of 2013, 
Friedrich-List-Gymnasium Reutlingen, Germany!

P.S.: My last 6 weeks are about to start. Therefore I start panicking that I haven't seen all the places I wanted to, I haven't met all the people I needed to and all in all time is running!
So I made up a complete plan. For e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e day!
Somehow I feel like I have a telent for organising and structuring... wherever it came from.
Here! Check out my MASTERPLAN!

And as you might (I don't think so though) have figured out I want be around Nairobi the following weeks.


So I wish you all a good time - wherever you might be and whatever you'll be upto.

Take care, the way I have been doing in Nairobbery/Naibombery!

Let's hope I'll return healthy and safe. :)