This is my final blogpost.
The last post I am publishing on kenyan ground.
Almost 10 months in Kenya are over. Just gone. Part of the past.
Of course I knew and everybody else knew the day of departure would come.
And all over sudden it HAS come!
Once again I realize: Time never stops.
However if there is one thing I've learned in the past months then it is saying good-bye.
Once you have shared a room with over 15 different people, you have to get used to "hello's" and "good-bye's". It is not easy at all being left behind. Again. And again. And again.
Even though I wouldn't regret the experiences I've gained.
I've learned how to cope with all kind of people. About their behaviors, point of views and how Kenya appears to them, when they visit for the first time.
It had something of a small psychology study.
Now it's me to leave everyone here behind.
The children of Heritage, my family and relatives and my friends.
The ten months of staying in Kenya were the most precious time I could have had.
For me it was coming home, knowing I'll have my entire social life already in and around Nairobi.
My peace is here.
Finding myself meant for me getting to know my roots.
Now after staying for quite some time I got to know myself even better.
I know now that my positivity comes from my beloved grandmother (Cucu in Kiswahili). She's the jolliest and most ironic woman I've ever met. Except she's lacking food haha.
She concludes her small speech with: "This is all I know. ..... NOTHING!"
My Guka (grandfather) loves the sun!
He can't do a lot since he got Alzheimer's a very long time ago.
BUT if there's just the sliiiightest stroke of sunlight you'll see him carrying his chair outside to catch every bit of it. Once he's in the sun he can stay there. For the rest of the day. Nothing more afforded.
Now it makes sense where I got my sun addiction from. I swear it's in the genes!
When I came here I thought I might be having a lot of work, a full schedule. Because I came to do voluntary WORK. In the end I can say the 10 months have been more of an amazing holiday instead!
There were people telling me I've wasted life time. I should have gone straight to university instead of blowing my parents money for having fun.
It is not true.
The ten months made me grow older, at least a few years. Because if you soak all the impressions and information like a sponge, if you open your mind to be objective and add your own thoughts you gain a lot.
To the complex picture of Africa, the world, life and myself more and more jigsaws were added.
Things are getting clearer and I would lie if I'd say I didn't discover the one or other secret of life.
At least I know now my quintessences to coping with myself.
Even though my mind has grown older - and hell yeah, I have changed! - I am still a child.
Thanks to the fun and the bright side of life I've stayed a child from the bottom of my soul.
That's how it's supposed to be I guess...
So this is the point I should give thanks to all my people, who made this vacation unforgetable.
My parents I can never thank enough! And I really hope they know how much I appreciate the things they do. Before I never got to think that we might be "a perfect family", but now when I look back I see exactly this! The way they raised me, the love and advice they give me is almost always right.
Now it's time for me to make use of the education they gave me and get self responsible.
For me it is the right time to regret all the lies and trouble I gave my parents.
I'm sorry for the mistakes I did and I feel blessed knowing my parents know how to forgive.
When I was a small girl I told my mother: "In case I get rich one day I'll buy you a golden gravestone".
Nowadays I know, even if I get rich one day there's no way I can equally pay back my parents what they've done for me. Especially not in money.
Again I can just say, dad, mum I love you.
You are the most inspiring people in my life.
Same goes for my big brother Felix. Even though we are quite different we are getting closer and closer the older we get. He has always been my role model, a good one! Without him I wouldn't even know what Hip Hop is >.< I know I can count on him at any time of the day or the night.
If my dad fails to teach me maths my brother comes all the way to dry my tears and have another creative try to help me out of the maths-desperation.
Felix we'll be coming to Kenya in October and I would really love if he'd write a guestpost about his experiences.
When you start giving thanks it can go on and on. Let me keep it brief.
Last but not least I want to tell my big family and relatives here in Kenya a huuuuge thank you! They treat and take care of me as their own daughter. I know I always find an open door/ear, a towel and a toothbrush wherever I go.
Family is so precious, especially when they stick together.
Oh and I shouldn't forget my friends, who I'll miss very much.
You are just amazing people! The spice of life.
Thanks for the good and bad times we've gone through!
And a big thanks to my best friend Nina, who came all the way from Germany to stay with me here for the 5 remaining weeks. I still think she came to pick me to make sure that I'll come back home! ;) |
In the beginning I was planning just to have this blog for the time being here in Kenya.
But now I have so many people in Kenya, who might be interested about life in Germany.
It may be interesting to see all the changes in life.
So I'll continue blogging, no matter if you want it or not.
For now, I will close the chapter Kenya.
Not forever.
But for now.