The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experiences to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Let the story be told.
My life in Berlin started like a storm of new adventures.
It took me some time to realize that the chapter "being mummy's/daddy's little girl" is about to end.
When I moved out I got this feeling of, it's over now. My room at home will be used for another purpose. There's no "cash cow" for me anymore like it used to be when I ran out of pocket money.
No one to tell me what's wrong and right, what to eat or not, when to wake up. No one, who pushes me to go to school or restricts me to party.
All at once I felt freedom.
Freedom, a word which implicates a lot of positivity seemed menacing to me.
A part of myself felt fear to stand on my own feet, being responsible for myself.
I should act like an adult now? I? The one who feels like the biggest child ?
The doubt not being ready for that step relativated itself as soon as there was no return.
On the day I arrived in Berlin an old friend of mine picked me from the busstop and took me to my new home. Anne, who I hadn't seen for 10 years had evolved in the same way than I had. It was like we'd never broken the contact.
First place I found to stay temporary was the WG (Wohngemeinschaft = flat-share-community) of my kenyan cousin. It was perfectly located in Kreuzberg, opposite one of the most popular parks in Berlin. The park is very known for it's drug scene. As soon as one enters the parkarea people start asking you if you need some Marijuana. It is sold like ice-cream on a hot summer day. It can get very annoying stroling and chilling in and around the park.
Besides the tourists and residents you'll find many blacks, arabs and Sinti&Roma there. Most of them don't have a working permit. That's why they try making their money by selling drugs and collecting bottles.
Sorry for not completing the post. This is what Berlin is like: freaking fast!
No time to muse about new thoughts too share. It is sad and maybe someday I'll continue writing about the times I'm having in the city I deeply fell in love with!