Thursday 21 November 2013

Giving And Taking

Days go by... In the blink of an eye..
Really, I mostly don't know which day or date it is and it's okay. I like floating in the time.
This is gracious living, isn't it? Nowadays time is a luxury good, like food and money.
 Even if it's intangible it's a limited ressource. 

Someone tell me: Why should I question myself about death if I haven't even answered all the questions about life (,the universe and everything). 
(-> Btw the answer should be 42 #the hitchhikers guide to galaxy) 
The minute I'll die all questions about death will be answered (hopefully), so why waste precious lifetime? 

oh baby Joy... She was brought to the Childrens' home when she was only one month old.
Her mother casted her out and wanted to let her drown in a river.
A woman heard the baby cry and scream and rescued her in the last second.

Today Joy is like the most beloved child in the whole home and the little sister to everyone.

Cecilia and me. She's the one, who manages so much in the home.
If you have any problem, question or wish you go to Cecii to ask for her help.
We love her so much!

Lisa was the one, who had the idea of sponsering and making Mandazis for the entire children.
We made about 400 pieces! 
The Mandazis were fresh and delicious and the kids so excited and happy.
There were even enough left for all the workers!

The other day when I wasn't there the other volunteering girls made about 200 Chapatis for the community. 
We're diligent people...

spontanious party time before giving out the Mandazis :D

When the jeep of the mum and dad of the childrens' home arrives it mostly has either bread loaded or vegetables. The bread rejections get donated by the local toast factory and get delivered almost every day. The whole morning people are busy sorting out the spoiled bread. 
The director of the airport is the one, who donates veggies quite often.
Without all this sponsorings there wouldn't be enough food for all the children I guess.
Especially the bread is the best and biggest benefit to the home!

A doctor came last week to enlighten and vaccinate the children.
They were all very brave!
Except of Kamande, who was so frightened that it was almost impossible stopping his crying and defensing.
Pole sana...
If he wasn't 15 years younger I would marry him right away. :D
He's so cute!

On the boys' side. This guys are at the very end of the day still so energetic!

 Ohh by the way... I thought the rainy season was over. It's not.
I woke up in the middle of the night yesterday because HEAVY rain was falling into my face through the open window -.-
The next morning Sarah was supposed to leave the house at 6 for the airport (unfortunately she has gone back to Germany..). Impossible. The driver couldn't reach our place. CHAOS.
In the end we tried walking with her towards the road. Impossible. The mud was so beastly and sticky that some of us had to give up.
How Sarah, a worker who was carrying her suitcase and Lena finally reached the drivers car is a miracle to me. Now she's back home in Germany, where it snows. Yuck...

 To do list Kenya.... There's one point on the agenda which is called: "Learn how to... ...slaughter chicken".
Sounding rude, I know. It's nothing I am proud of. I can imagine people (mostly in my far homecountry) judging me 'cause of killing an innocent animal out of my own will.
Here's the explanation why it is/was so important to me to slaughter.

 As I am not a vegetarian I enjoy eating meat.
I definetly know that there is NOT A SINGLE feasible reason to eat meat, except you have any other choice. It's easy going to a butchery or supermarket and buy meat, because you don't have to care about how this former life - created by mother nature - has been treated.
In case of morality I therefore decided for myself that at least I should be able to kill the animals I eat. I believe that if you confront yourself with the actions you unconsciously take it'll widen your awareness towards the attitude and the consum of animals life's.

Why does it sound so wrong? :D

"WARNING!!! Don't smoke weed here"
Why not just tell the truth so everyone understands?
This is some serious direct communication.
(Backstreet, Rongai)

Look at my cousin! She's so HUGE! The date of birth was supposed to be on Saturday. 
I went to her house to be there when the baby comes. I tried to be as supportive as possible; cooking, washing, caring. 

Is it a pie or is it a pie? I'm gonna be the best wife EVER.
So I stayed there till Tuesday. Guess what happened?
At least we know now that it's a girl, which is gonna named Kalila (so pretty!).
Kalila seems not to be in a hurry. She's already so kenyan.
If they say the babie's gonna come on Saturday it'll probably come 9 days later as  people here never arrive in time for meetings.
No hurry in this world.

that's my cousin's sister Njeri in the new babybed :D
She just finished class 8 by doing the KCPE's.
I'm so proud of her! My little, grown-up cousin <3
Waithira and Salim
this has to be REAL love.
#things I'd never do :D

Masai school close to our children's home.
Located in.... the middle of nowhere.
Also called as Masai land
Big honour! The girls were the FIRST MZUNGUs visiting their place.
They were so exhilarated, touching their white skin proving if it's real.
We had a lot of fun talking and dancing with them!

On the 14th of December there's gonna be a "Funday" in the childrens' home. 
There'll be a lot of games, drama plays, food etc. So we volunteers go around the whole area, knocking on people's gates to invite them personally to have fun with the children on that special day. 
But it's not all about fun: 32 children need to go to Highschool next year to complete their basical education. That's why there's also going to be a minimal fundraising. 

Also you, that you are reading my text right now could help financing the further education of these kids.
Even less is more than enough!
Lisa: "Ey Imani, Minnie called and said she needs her blazer back!"

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